The European Union (EU) foreign imports into the United Kingdom must be declared to HM Revenue and amplifier; General Administration of Customs (HMRC). This is usually a single administrative document (SAD), also known as complete form C88. SAD can use electronic import and export freight (administrative) system, or manually handled by the Customs submitted (although manual submission may take longer to process).
The declaration also includes customs procedures explain what the code is used as commodities, such as imported into free circulation or use one of the customs procedures, such as temporary admission. Plus commodity code, which helps determine the interest rate or what type of import duties to be charged, and how to treat goods.
You can use a proxy, such as freight forwarders to represent your claim. This can make input easier, faster, and if you have no right to conduct its own electronic filing.
Existing security and safety of the new law since January 1, 2011 means destined to arrive in the EU must be declared for the first time into the EU office - the Member State import control system (ICS) - set time range within. Liability is the carrier of the goods and enable ICS declarations, but the carrier can rely on their explicit knowledge and consent, entrust this activity to the importer and / or agents. Therefore, entry summary declaration must be for your goods. Britain ICS will provide operators, or delegate declaration, and goods movement reference number.
Community / Public Transport (CT) program
Public Transport (CT) customs procedures, allowing the tariff, consumption tax and import goods VAT suspended until the goods reach their destination or point in the community or exit. Community transit procedures can also be used for sports, and from the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, then called the Common transit. EFTA countries are Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.
The new computerized transit system (NCTS) must be used for all Community / common transit declarations except (more than its quota of goods) and a number of private travelers Authorization simplifies. On any potential commodity tax and customs must be guaranteed. NCTS use does not interfere with normal use and other customs procedures, such as customs warehouses.
Who was approved as authorized economic operators to obtain customs procedures, to ensure that such exemptions and approve their own property (authorized owner) NCTS action must start or end of a simplified action occurs (authorized consignee), the production of goods without customs.
If the journey began outside the EU, transport Internationaux Routiers (TIR) program can be used for sports, and those countries from the TIR Convention of the Parties. Products must be in a sealed container or vehicle approved customs by road, accompanied by the TIR carnet travel documents. You or your freight forwarder, must be authorized to use TIR and potential tax and customs goods must be guaranteed.
All traders TIR movement of goods throughout the EU needs when the goods reach the EU border use NCTS submit a statement.
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